Because the St. George area is located between the Rocky Mountains and the desert southwest, it features the distinct landscapes of both. It has forested mountain ranges and high plateaus, along with rugged and starkly beautiful red rock desert.

Monday, July 7, 2008

These are poppin up all over town

These wonderful RedBoxes are becoming the rage around here. They are extremely popular and the best thing that could have happened in the world of movie nuts.

I remember when the first one appeared at the Albertson’s store by us. As people became aware of what they were, the line in front of them became longer and longer. Then the store ordered a second one and that helped tremendously. Other stores within the St. George area to find a RedBox is: Maverik, McDonalds, Harmons, Wal-Mart, Smiths.

You can’t beat $1.00 a night to rent the movies that are contained within the RedBox. It is very easy. You just press areas on the screen and follow directions to choose your movies. Then you swipe your credit card in a slot on the machine and the movie, which is contained within its own plastic case, comes out of another slot. Movies are then returned TO ANY REDBOX LOCATION by 9 pm the next night by way of the same slot on the machine. If you don’t return the movie by 9, your account will be charged another $1.00.

And so far, Monday is free movie day. A number code is taped to the front of the machine, you type in the code on the screen, and you receive a free movie. Can’t beat that !!!